Healing Humanity

Take control of your life and rise up to your fullest potential! We will discuss topics to build transformational growth grounded in heart-centered values and focused on the personal care and support of ourselves, and others to produce proven extraordinary growth and results in our bodies, minds, and souls. To help grow the audience, please like, follow, and share Healing Humanity with others. Don’t miss the WEEKLY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: https://HealingHumanity.com/ Share your thoughts here: https://www.facebook.com/HealingHumanity Connect with Dee Rizzo on any of these sites: Tik Tok  ~  Facebook  ~  Instagram

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Money Mastery for Moms

Sunday Jun 18, 2023

Sunday Jun 18, 2023

It has always been very important to me that women are able to stand on their own if they need to do so. It is important to me that you achieve freedom, emotional relief, confidence, and self-sufficiency! I will show you how you can pay down your debt to become debt-free which will give you the freedom you need. It’s time you and your family no longer live paycheck to paycheck. It is time to make a change now!
If you want to see if the Challenge could benefit you, start with the Money Mastery for Moms Challenge Personal Reflection Survey which it will help you Explore Your Thoughts, Emotions, and Priorities related to money.
Survey: Money Mastery Personal Reflection Survey
Join the Facebook Group and register for the classes through this group: Facebook Group 5-Day Money Mastery for Moms ChallengeMoney Mastery for Moms
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Why Are You A Christian?

Saturday Jun 17, 2023

Saturday Jun 17, 2023

If you are Christian…Have you ever been asked why you are a Christian? Many of us can’t answer that question. When my pastor asked the congregation this question, I did not think I had a sufficient answer. So, I decided to dive deep into this question - Come on along with me on this ride...
My prayer for you, 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
Further Reading
Holy Bible
The Pursuit of God
The Case for Christ
Pocket Prayers: 40 Simple Prayers that Bring Peace and Rest
The Ave Guide to the Scriptural Rosary
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More Confident Decisions

Friday Jun 16, 2023

Friday Jun 16, 2023

If you’re having trouble feeling confident in your actions and wish you had an unwavering belief in your decisions, maybe it's time to look at your decision-making process. Let's dive in...
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Get More Done

Thursday Jun 15, 2023

Thursday Jun 15, 2023

Everyone wishes they had more time. If they did, they might be able to get more done. But, having more time may not be the only answer. Come listen to six ideas that will help you get things done!
Additional Reading
Get Stuff Done
Getting Things Done
Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles
The Productivity Project
The High-Performance Planner
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Perfect Morning Routine

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023

These five steps will help you create the perfect morning routine, they worked for me and I wanted to share them with you too!
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Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

Sometimes you have to speak up when you're unsure if the people around you share your beliefs. They might not have the same values, and that's going to have to be okay. Our differences are what make the world a wonderful place. As much as I am talking to you today, I am talking to myself too - so let your voice be heard.
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Monday Jun 12, 2023

One of the keys to getting you to take action and keep you going each day is motivation. We all have times when we feel like we have no drive to do anything at all, or that we just want to quit, no matter who you are things like this can always be just an inch away. So how do you turn that around quickly?
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Sunday Jun 11, 2023

You cannot stop living your life. You have to continue living, working, and playing! So, what happens when it all becomes too much, what can you do to combat the lack of energy?
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Saturday Jun 10, 2023

Yoga is not just stretching your body or a low-impact exercise. It has the power to heal the body and mind.
You can reach Sabrina Wu on Instagram @ O M F L O W T A P
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Friday Jun 09, 2023

According to a Gallup poll, 48% of Americans feel like they don’t have enough time to get the things done they want to. Is there anything that can help speed up your processes to success? Come find out.
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Intuitive Eating

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Create a more positive body image and eat the foods you love without feeling any guilt. Intuitive eating is more fun than any restrictive diet and helps you to develop healthy habits that you can practice for the rest of your life.
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Boosting Emotional Wellness

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023

If you feel like you have been ignoring your emotional wellness, then you should follow these tips to boost it!
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7 Ways To Be An Early Riser

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023

Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? If so, these tips might be helpful to you.
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Monday Jun 05, 2023

I met Tim Connor while attending a corporate meeting he was hired to share a presentation with a few years ago. I was really impressed with Tim and could not wait to speak to him further. But Tim also has over 200 books, CD’s, manuals and performance instruments available for purchase. Tim speaks on a variety of sales, leadership, management, communication, change and motivational topics.
If you are interested in connecting with him, I have listed his website and email for you.
You can watch the live interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MM02Z8e9Nw
Contact Tim Connor
Email:  Timspeaks4U@gmail.com Website: International Leadership Speaker | Tim Connor
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Slay Your Dragons

Sunday Jun 04, 2023

Sunday Jun 04, 2023

We all have dragons to slay! These dragons steal our productivity and can keep us disorganized. What's the best way to slay those dragons?
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Saturday Jun 03, 2023

You’re a parent, which means a good part of your time is spent worrying about and taking care of your children. But you’re also more than this. You still have hopes and dreams. You still have passion, or at least you should. So how can you tap into that again?
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I Stand In Integrity

Friday Jun 02, 2023

Friday Jun 02, 2023

We all need to live our own truth. The best way to hold your head high is to live with full integrity, not just an intent to be impeccable. Pop in for a little pick-me-up!
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Don't miss the DAILY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: Open Mind 365
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Thursday Jun 01, 2023

Women think that being a man is easy. Women think that men are free from obligations and worries. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are certainly advantages to being a man, but it’s not all rainbows and lollipops.
If you missed yesterday’s show, I break down the challenges of women that men don’t understand, so go check that out too.
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Don't miss the DAILY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: Open Mind 365
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Wednesday May 31, 2023

There are challenges to being a woman that most men don’t know about. Women have it tougher than men realize. There’s a lot that women have to deal with that would endlessly frustrate the average guy!
But come back tomorrow, we'll break down how men don't have it easy and what women don't understand!
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Don't miss the DAILY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: Open Mind 365
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The Special Ones - My Littles

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Tuesday May 30, 2023

This is a special show dedicated to several special little people in my life.
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Don't miss the DAILY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: Open Mind 365
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Daughter's Rise


Take control of your lives and rise up to your fullest potential!

We will discuss topics to build transformational growth grounded in heart-centered values and focused on the personal care and support of ourselves, and others to produce proven extraordinary growth and results in our business, body, minds and bank accounts.

***  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

This program will be most interesting to entrepreneurial-minded women 35+ who are suddenly going through major changes and transitional moments in their lives and businesses.


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