Healing Humanity

Take control of your life and rise up to your fullest potential! We will discuss topics to build transformational growth grounded in heart-centered values and focused on the personal care and support of ourselves, and others to produce proven extraordinary growth and results in our bodies, minds, and souls. To help grow the audience, please like, follow, and share Healing Humanity with others. Don’t miss the WEEKLY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: https://HealingHumanity.com/ Share your thoughts here: https://www.facebook.com/HealingHumanity Connect with Dee Rizzo on any of these sites: Tik Tok  ~  Facebook  ~  Instagram

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Monday Feb 20, 2023

Evaluate the meeting topic and understand your goal in order to plan how to seat everyone for the best possible interactions and conclusions. You certainly cannot plan everything but if you do your best to set up the seating well, the information will flow in a more organized fashion.
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The Influence of Envy

Sunday Feb 19, 2023

Sunday Feb 19, 2023

Are you, or have you been the only female in the board room? Let's discuss how to avoid the power and destruction of envy! 
Build respect, not a reputation.
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What Is One Thing?

Saturday Feb 18, 2023

Saturday Feb 18, 2023

What is one thing that is a game-changer in business and personal relationships? What is one thing we have a holiday named after, one thing that can build trust and drive revenue worldwide? What is that one thing that our President issues a proclamation on every year? What one thing, if dishonored can destroy all that I have mentioned?
Not sure? Listen in to find out the answer!
This show is dedicated in memorial to Rafael Villarreal Jr.
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Daughter’s Rise

Friday Feb 17, 2023

Friday Feb 17, 2023

We need to set a better example for all our children, but especially our girls. The world is in a testing phase - where do you want gender equality to be in 50 years from now?
#RiseUp, #DaughtersRise, #Resistance, #Trump, #NotAboutTrump
Published 2019.12.20 Daughters Rise Facebook Page
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Thursday Feb 16, 2023

Our world is built on stories, and that includes copy. Customers are going through the world using stories to create their understanding of life. When you can use words to show customers exactly how your company fits into their lives your profits will soar! Let's find out more about how to do that.
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Cancer Made My Body Explode

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023

Being diagnosed with cancer can be the best thing that ever happened to you. Never underestimate the power of the Divine! Find out what happened...
If you're interested in booking a Reiki session, please contact me at lifestrategy4success@gmail.com.
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Tuesday Feb 14, 2023

For many companies, especially traditional and conservative companies, the rise of sophisticated technologies can be intimidating. Why should you embrace it?
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Monday Feb 13, 2023

The biggest misnomer is that procrastination is just laziness, but it’s definitely not. It is a behavior that is caused by the stress in our lives or some unfounded negative beliefs we have about our life or abilities, usually learned a long time ago. If you have a tendency towards procrastination, please don't be hard on yourself. Join me to find out why you do it and how you can overcome it!
Thanks for listening, and please subscribe to my podcast so you will be alerted when the next episode is published!
Please like and follow. Don't miss our DAILY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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Control the Vote

Sunday Feb 12, 2023

Sunday Feb 12, 2023

While planning and running a homeowner's association meeting it is imperative you keep tight control on the vote in order to have a serene outcome from the meeting. There are many ways a public vote can be manipulated, so learn to avoid it by controlling the process.
If you have any questions or need assistance planning your votes, send me a message at lifestrategy4success@gmail.com.
Please like and follow. Don't miss the DAILY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new website: Open Mind 365
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God’s Calling You

Saturday Feb 11, 2023

Saturday Feb 11, 2023

You cannot force a spiritual awakening; it happens only when you are ready. Well, you can take certain drugs to force an awakening, but your heart will not be purified and ready, your mind will not be evolved enough, and you will likely cause pain to many people, including yourself, because of it. I am talking about the natural spiritual awakening we are all destined to experience can only happen naturally. But when God calls - are you going to listen, and follow His word, His path for your life, and His gospel?
Learn what happens when God calls you and what you need to do to survive and thrive through it!
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Build and Grow Strategically

Friday Feb 10, 2023

Friday Feb 10, 2023

As Tony Robbins always says, hope is not a strategy. If we want something different in our business or in our lives - it isn’t going to happen by hoping for it, it isn’t going to happen by drifting in and out of the activity's day in and day out. You have to start making a plan for what you want, and who you want to be, and don’t stop until you achieve it.
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Brain Dumping

Thursday Feb 09, 2023

Thursday Feb 09, 2023

Many people think they cannot meditate. They believe they cannot quiet their mind to actually benefit from meditation - but you can! Listen in to find out how.
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Budgets and Bumbles

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023

This is a specific message to all members of HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS.
I was an accredited association manager for over 30 years and have seen various changes within the industry of management for your investments. After you listen to this, if you would like to reach out and discuss anything with me, I am happy to listen.
You can reach me at lifestrategy4success@gmail.com or Book a Free 15 Minute Call.
Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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Tuesday Feb 07, 2023

Eating in a way that supports good health doesn’t have to be expensive. Healthy food is often less expensive than unhealthy food. Even if you’re on a budget, you can still follow an extremely healthy diet. Use these 11 techniques to eat well without spending a lot of money.
Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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Monday Feb 06, 2023

Do you want to move from welfare to buying your own home? Do you want your friends and family scratching their heads in confusion and amazement; while wondering how your able to accomplish everything you are able to do?
If that sounds like something you need to accomplish, then follow these steps!
Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
References books mentioned in the show:
Essentialism, The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown
The Go Giver, A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea, by Bob Berg
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Are You An A&&9^$#!

Sunday Feb 05, 2023

Sunday Feb 05, 2023

The only way to build a strong foundation for self-esteem, power, and effectiveness is to live in integrity. The only way to be viewed as having integrity is to choose to be impeccable with it.
Do you stand in integrity or are you an a&&9^$#!?
Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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Saturday Feb 04, 2023

Do you find yourself thinking, I just want to be happy!
In our current world, it sometimes feels harder and harder to simply just stay happy. We have all types of pressures, worldly moral tests that we each have to judge for ourselves, tensions in business, economic stress, and unexplainable weather events, and all these are pressing in on our emotions causing us to sit in fear, struggle with short-tempers, and live in almost permanent frustration. How is it some people seem to take on all this pressure with ease and grace? Listen to the show and find out...
Please follow Open Mind 365 for notification when the next show is published! Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy.
Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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Be A Great Employer

Friday Feb 03, 2023

Friday Feb 03, 2023

If you think you may want to own your own company, come listen to what it takes to be a great employer!
Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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AI is Taking Over

Thursday Feb 02, 2023

Thursday Feb 02, 2023

Remember, there is no single way to live your life, there is no single career path, and there is no perfect way to build your career.
But what if it's time to start thinking about what's next in your life. This is a brief episode to share some questions with you to help start you thinking about what you could do if everything changed tomorrow.
If you feel you need some additional support or guidance while you’re redesigning your future, then book a 15-minute call with me at Dee Rizzo's Calendar - Book Here.
Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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Wednesday Feb 01, 2023

If you want to relax, make time for it each day. Using ten minutes is not selfish and can be enough to take the edge off. Use your time wisely to reset your system and relax! Inside you will find 10 tips to relax in 10 minutes or less!
Daily episodes are now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our new site: Open Mind 365
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Daughter's Rise


Take control of your lives and rise up to your fullest potential!

We will discuss topics to build transformational growth grounded in heart-centered values and focused on the personal care and support of ourselves, and others to produce proven extraordinary growth and results in our business, body, minds and bank accounts.

***  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

This program will be most interesting to entrepreneurial-minded women 35+ who are suddenly going through major changes and transitional moments in their lives and businesses.


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